Statistical processing
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Food Industries, Business StatisticsMona Larsen
+45 24 81 68 47
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Data is collected monthly on milk and dairy products. Data comes primary from administrative records. The data received is checked for completeness and consistency, as well as consistency with previous periods.
Source data
Data on milk and dairy products comes from administrative register. The primary administrative register are Danish Dairy Board (which collects data from every single dairy in Denmark), public institutions, trade and industry organizations and private business enterprises. The others data comes from SEGES, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council and Cattle survey .
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data from administrative registers is sent to Statistic Denmark.
Data validation
Material is subjected to a check for completeness and consistency, by comparing data with earlier periods.
Data compilation
Data is checked, summarized and compiled into tables to the statistics bank.
The price of milk is calculated for milk with a standard fat content (4.20 per cent) and protein content (3,40 per cent) and for milk with the real(varying) content of fat content and protein content. There is no existing estimation of the average prices for milk ex farmer, these prices are therefore calculated by Statistic Denmark. A price is calculated for both conventional and organic milk.
The annual price of milk is calculated against the background of the annual statistics compiled by the Society of Dairies yearly statistics on the dairies profit and loss account. The monthly prices are calculated on the basis of the account prices to the producer/farmer and an estimate of the expected additional/back payment.
The estimated prices include all payable supplements, among these back payment and seasonal supplement (which are equalized on an annual basis), while allowances for quality and the like as well as the duties paid by the producers (production duty, co-responsibility duty) are deducted, together with the amounts, which withheld by the dairies for consolidation, etc. Furthermore, the stated prices for milk with real fat content and protein content are adjusted for collection of any super taxes after conducting an annual equalization.
The total sales value for milk out of agriculture is equal to the total quantity sold (the delivered milk to the dairies plus the consumption at the producers/farms) multiplied by with the average sales price ex producer, which is equal to the previous defined sales price for milk with real fat and protein content.
After consultation with the Society of Dairies, Statistic Denmark has determined that the consumption of milk by the producers/farmers is 3,67 million kilo and the consumption of milk for feed at the farms is 75 million kilo.
Milk ex farmer total in kilo million is the total milk production (including organic milk). The total milk production is calculated as the delivered milk to the dairies plus milk used for human consumption at the farm (this is the farmers own/private consumption and the farmers sales directly to the consumers) and the milk used as feed at the farm (it is only yielded milk, i.e. exclusive of milk sucked by the calf).
The average milk yield per dairy cow is calculated by Statistics Denmark, as the total milk production divided by the average number of dairy cows. The average number of dairy cows is calculated as the sum of the number of dairy cows in the 4 quarter counts of the cattle stock divided by 4.
A price relationship is calculated on the ratio between what the farmer receives for the milk he sells to the dairy and what to give for cattle feed: Price ratio of milk / cattle feed mixture (relationship figures) This is calculated as the milk price (the milk price exclusive of seasonal supplement but less deductions) in relation to the price for feeding stuffs for cattle (feeding stuff with high protein content) in the proportion 10 to 1.
No correction of data is made except what has already been described during data validation and data processing. There is no seasonal adjustment.