Newspapers and Magazines
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Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsChristian Max Gustaf Törnfelt
+45 21 63 60 20
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The purpose of the statistics for newspapers and magazines is to shed light on the development of the readership and the number of magazines, trade journals and daily newspapers in Denmark. Previously, the statistics were based on circulation figures from Dansk Oplagskontrol, but from 2017 it is based on readership numbers from Index Denmark / Gallup with time series beginning in 2007.
Statistical presentation
Daily newspapers and magazines are annual statements of readership and the number of different categories of newspapers and magazines. Newspapers are divided according to whether their reach is nationwide or local / regional. Magazines are distributed on topics and publication frequencies. Trade journals are divided according to the Danish media industry classification, e.g. agriculture or communication.
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Statistical processing
The statistics are based on official, industry-recognized readership measurements for the printed media that Index Denmark/Gallup compiles and where quality assurance is performed by the Index Denmark Methodology Committee . Data is collected by a sample survey that annually includes 25,000 representative respondents aged 12 years and over. Statistics Denmark publish the data compiled by Index Denmark/Gallup in interactive tabular format. For newspapers, trade journals and magazines, Statistics Denmark aggregates the readerships to gross coverage.
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The statistics are expected to meet the needs of several user groups for a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of readership for daily newspapers and the development of the printed media.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics is based on a survey based on a sample of respondents and readership figures are therefore subject to uncertainty. Readership figures say nothing about the thoroughness of reading, and reflects the respondents' own perception of their media usage. The statistics are based on official, industry-recognized readership measurements from Index Denmark/Gallup. In addition to the statistical uncertainty in the measurement of readership figures in the original sources, typing, coding and calculation errors in the data processing can be sources of uncertainty.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published approximately four months after the end of the reference year. The statistics are published at the announced time.
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The statistics are comparable in their current form since 2018. Furthermore, deactivated tables present comparable data of 6-months intervals in a time series from 2007-2018. Comparable statistics are available for Nordic daily newspapers based on statistics in the Nordic StatBank. At European level, there is a comparative study of the number of readers reading newspapers published by Eurostat.
Accessibility and clarity
The figures are published in the StatBank under the subject News media and magazines. In addition, selected results are included in the publication Culture. See more on the statistics subject page.