Statistical presentation
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Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsChristian Max Gustaf Törnfelt
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Daily newspapers and magazines are annual statements of readership and the number of different categories of newspapers and magazines. Newspapers are divided according to whether their reach is nationwide or local / regional. Magazines are distributed on topics and publication frequencies. Trade journals are divided according to the Danish media industry classification, e.g. agriculture or communication.
Data description
As of 2007, the statistics contain information on the number of publications, readership, categories, weekday and geographical coverage for Danish newspapers and magazines. Until 2014, the statistics were based on circulation figures from Dansk Oplagskontrol, and these data can be found in the now completed statistics bank tables. In 2017, four new tables were launched to illustrate the distribution of printed media based on the official industry-recognized measurements from Index Denmark / Gallup. Readership figures denote the number of unique persons above the age of 12 that has read a minimum of 2 minutes in one of the printed media in the relevant category. The weekly readership figures for the daily newspapers are stated after geographical coverage (nationwide or regional / local) in the table AVISLAES1. The gross coverage indicates how many readers the individual newspaper or magazine publication has. For a single media, there is a coincidence between readership and gross coverage. When aggregating multiple media, gross coverage shows the total number of read individual titles. It is not an expression of the total number of readers, as the individual reader can read more than one publication. For daily newspapers, the number of individual titles and their gross coverage is divided between readership ranges and indicated by geographical coverage (nationwide or regional / local) in the table [DAGBLAD3] For scientific journals and magazines, the number of individual titles and their gross coverage is divided between readership ranges specified by industries or topics shown in the tables FAGBLAD2 and MAGASIN2. The statistics contain annually from 2018 and onwards, information on the number of individual newspapers, weekly readership and gross coverage by geography for newspapers. In addition, the statistics include scientific journals and magazines broken down by frequency of publication, gross coverage and category. From 2007 to 2018, all figures were published covering 6-month intervals.
Classification system
For trade journals and magazines are industry and subject for individual journals respectively based on MEDIA database / Danish Media categorization of the individual titles. The trade journals are categorized according to the following industries:
1.0 Agriculture, gardening, forestry and fishing 2.0 Manufacturing and industrial company 3.0 Construction company 4.0 Wholesale trade, retail and shopping 5.0 Transportation and communication 6.0 Service, consultancy and economy 7.0 Public company and education 8.0 Health, treatment and education 9.0 leisure, associations and ideal business company
Magazines, which are in the industry 10.0 Consumer-oriented media, are categorized in the following subjects: 10.1 Car, boat and mc 10.2 Travel, geography and tourism 10.3 Private Economy and Popular Science 10.4 Food, home and furnishing 10.5 Culture, city and amusement 10.6 Fashion, design and lifestyle 10.7 Electronic, photo and entertainment 10.8 Leisure, sport and hobby 10.9 Health, well-being, family and kids
Publishing frequency: For magazines and scientific journals, the release rate specifies whether the individual titles are published 'weekly' or 'less frequent than weekly’
Readership interval: Daily newspapers and magazines are categorized by the number of readers divided into different intervals.
Sector coverage
Not relevant for this statistic.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Newspaper: Newspaper: Publications that are published 5-7 days a week and that contain articles in journalistic genres such as news items, interviews, reports and opinion pieces.
Trade journal: Periodical publication containing articles on a more or less professionally delimited topic.
Magazine: Periodical publication containing articles on cultural, academic or scientific topics, etc. often within a specific subject.
Statistical unit
Daily newspapers, trade journals and magazines.
Statistical population
The statistics include the printed media in the form of daily newspapers and magazines (scientific journals and magazines).
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics cover the period from 2007 and onwards with the latest time series beginning in 2018. Older time series may be found in Statistical Yearbook.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistic.
Unit of measure
Gross coverage and reading is given in 1000 units / persons. Daily newspaper is given as numbers of newspapers.
Reference period
Calender year. In previous tables, the periods H1 and H2 refer to the calendar year's 1st and 2nd half.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Data is collected from existing accounts and do not require any legal authority to collect data. The data collection is not based on an EU regulation.
Cost and burden
There is no separate burden of reporting for this statistic as it based on the results other surveys.
Other information can be found on the subject pages or available on request to Statistics Denmark.