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Newspapers and Magazines

The statistics are comparable in their current form since 2018. Furthermore, deactivated tables present comparable data of 6-months intervals in a time series from 2007-2018. Comparable statistics are available for Nordic daily newspapers based on statistics in the Nordic StatBank. At European level, there is a comparative study of the number of readers reading newspapers published by Eurostat.

Comparability - geographical

A comparison of the development of the Nordic newspapers based on storage figures can be seen in the Nordic Statbank. At European level, a comparison of the number of readers reading daily newspapers can be seen at Eurostat..

Comparability over time

Older data on newspapers and magazines based on circulation figures are available in Statistical Yearbook. The statistics are comparable in their current form since 2018. Furthermore, deactivated tables present comparable data of 6-months intervals in a time series from 2007-2018. Newspapers and magazines circulation numbers are comparable from 2007 onwards.

Coherence - cross domain

Statistics for daily newspapers and magazines are included in the radio and TV area, cinemas and films, as well as literature and books in the coverage of Statistics Denmark's coverage of the film, books and media.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for this statistic.