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Short Term Statistics, Business StatisticsNanna Nikander Nonboe-Nygaard
+45 20 56 39 57
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The accommodation statistics is comparable with the other EU-statistics on tourism. The breakdown into nationalities has expanded from 13 to 51 since 1996 and this can weaken the comparability when using time series.
Comparability - geographical
The accommodation statistics is comparable with other accommodation statistics done by EU-member states. The Danish statistics can be under-estimated compared with other EU-member states who use the lower cut-off limit of a minimum of 0 or 10 bed places where in Denmark the cut-off limit is 40 bed places in the monthly statistics. In the yearly accommodation statistics the cut-of limit is 10 bed places. Thus the difference to other accommodation statistics is not considered to be significant.
Comparability over time
For the key figures, the statistics are comparable over time.
Before 1991 smaller hotels with 10-39 bed places are in the statistics, while information on 11 larger holiday resorts are missing.
From 1996, the number of nationalities expanded from 13 to 21.
Since 2004, a breakdown into purpose of the the trip has been added for nights spent on hotels and holiday resorts, not hostels.
Before 2005, Luxembourg was included in the numbers for Belgium, and the nationality "Asia Other" is South East Asia and China.
From 2005, the number of nationalities expanded from 21 to 46.
Since 2008, the number of nationalities expanded from 46 to 48.
From 2013 the number of nationalities expanded from 48 to 51. Before 2013 "Europe Other" includes Croatia and "Asia Other" includes India and Thailand.
Coherence - cross domain
The statistics of nights spent at hotels, holiday resorts and hostels are part of the total overnight stays in Denmark. Therefore the statistics are comparable with the statistics of nights spent at camp sites.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.