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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Nanna Nikander Nonboe-Nygaard
+45 20 56 39 57

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Nights spent at hotels, holiday resorts and youth hostels

The accommodation statistics are relevant for accommodation businesses, Eurostat, ministries and business and tourism organizations for forecasts, analysis and planning. The accommodation statistics are under constant review and the user needs are rapidly changing with the emergence of peer-to-peer platforms such as AirBnB.

User Needs

The primary users of the statistics are accommodation businesses who use the data to compare theirbown development with the development in general. Furthermore the statistics are used by Eurostat and professionals from ministries, business and tourism organizations and scientist. Also the statistics are used by students, media and school pupils.

User Satisfaction

Statistics Denmark hosts a bi-annual meeting with interested parties from the industry. The participants have the opportunity to get knowledge on the latest developments in the statistics as well as discuss the current situation and provide valuable suggestions for improvements.

Data completeness rate

The statistics are not fully compliant with the EU regulation. In the monthly statistics the existing cut-off limit of 40 bed places or more is too high, since the requirement of the EU is 10 bed places or more. Statistics Denmark has set the cut-off limit to 40 in order to reduce the burden on SMEs, which according to the survey of small hotels and campsites cover about 5 per cent of the annual overnight stays at hotels, holiday centers and hostels etc. In the yearly statistics the cut-off limit is 10 bed places, as required. Furthermore the regulation requires the collection of data concerning the number of arrivals by nationality. At present the arrivals is only divided into Danish arrivals and arrivals of foreign visitors and therefore only an estimate of arrivals divided into nationalities is disseminated to Eurostat.

Nights spent via Airbnb and similar are not included in this statistics.