Statistical processing
Contact info
Short Term Statistics, Business StatisticsNanna Nikander Nonboe-Nygaard
+45 20 56 39 57
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Data for the statistics are collected monthly from Danish hotels, holiday resorts, hostels etc. with a minimum of 40 bed places and yearly from Danish hotels, holiday resorts, hostels etc. with 10-39 bed places using an online questionnaire or by using a system-to-system solution where the accommodations booking system automatically sends data to Statistics Denmark. Collected data are validated on micro-level during the data collection and again on macro-level when aggregated. The validated data are then imputed with missing values and afterwards aggregated into geographical and nationality totals.
Source data
The statistics "Nights spent at hotels, holiday resorts, hostels etc." are based on monthly reports from the accommodation enterprises with at least 40 bed places that are registered in the Danish Business Register. Hotels, holiday resorts, hostels etc. with 10-39 bed places that are registered in the Danish Business Register report on an annual basis.
Frequency of data collection
Data is collected on a monthly basis for accommodation enterprises with at least 40 bed places and on a yearly basis for accommodation enterprises with 10-39 bed places.
Data collection
The accommodation statistics is collected either online via or by using a web-application where the accommodation businesses can extract and report directly from their booking systems to Statistics Denmark.
Data validation
The collected data are compared with the data from the previous year and potentially significant changes are examined, explained and corrected in case of errors. There is also a cross validation making sure that the values given under the different variables are plausible. Afterwards, data are aggregated into geographical and nationality totals and data are then validated on macro-level i.e. by comparing time series.
Data compilation
If an enterprise does not disseminate data within the given time frame, data from the same month the year before is imputed. If the enterprise later on disseminate data the imputed data are replaced.
Number of nights are calculated as number of guests multiplied by the lenght of the stay. E.g. 2 guests staying at a hotel, holiday center or hostel for 5 days are equal 10 overnights. Number of nights are also reported as "guest nights".
Arrivals are the number of guests no matter the lenght of the stay. In the example above with 2 guests, the arrivals are 2.
No grossing-up procedures are used as this is a census with a cut-off limit of at least 40 bed places for the monthly statistics and for the yearly survey a census with 10-39 bed places. Data are aggregated into geographical and nationality totals and subsequently validated on macro-level.
The accommodation statistics is seasonally adjusted by using an ARIMA-model where are business days and Easter is taken into account.