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Nights Spent at Marinas

The purpose of the survey Overnight stays in marinas is to supply information on the tourism activity in the Danish marinas. Users of the statistics is e.g. business and tourism organisations as well as municipalities and regions to analyse the development in tourism. Furthermore the statistics is used to identify the most popular marina areas in Denmark. The survey is collected on a voluntary basis and is made in collaboration with VisitDenmark. The survey has been compiled since 1992. The survey went from mandatory to voluntary in 2004 which has had an impact on the response rate and thus also the comparability over time.

Statistical presentation

The statistics regarding marinas is a monthly seasonally survey about boats and guest nights spent by visiting yachts in marinas in the months of May-September. The statistics are divided into nationalities of the guests, as well as geographically by regions, parts of the country and waters. In addition, there is an annual assessment of the capacity of marinas divided into parts of the country and the size of the marina. Numbers of Municipal distribution is published at the homepage of VisitDenmark.

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Statistical processing

Data for the statistics is collected monthly for for the reference months May to September. The monthly statistics shows temporary data for the activity in the marinas. If a marina has not reported data from the same month the year before is imputed. At the end of the reference year the imputed data is replaced by reported final data for the year. The numbers of nights spent at marinas are calculated by using a average factor for the size of the crew. The average factor is based by a survey made by VisitDenmark in 2017. Data for the statistics is collected via an upload solution or by a electronis questionaire. The collected data undergoes micro-level debugging during the actual collection and at the macro-level when the data is aggregated.

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The statistics are relevant for e.g. the companies, industry associations, municipalities and regions as well as business and tourism organizations as a basis for forecasts, analyses and planning purposes.

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Accuracy and reliability

The marina statistics was made voluntary from 2004 which may influence the comparability over time as well as the coverage. Some reports are based on a best estimate by the respondent and therefore in risk of being wrong.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The survey is published on a monthly basis for the reference months May-September approx. 40 days after the end of the reference month. Furthermore, an annual publication is made that is published approx. 75 days after the end of the reference year. The survey is published according to the scheduled time table and therefore has a high degree of punctuality.

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From 2004 the statistics are voluntary which minimize the comparability over time. From 2007-20016 a new factor regarding the size of the crew has been phased in. From 2017 an onwards this factor is fully phased in.

Read more about comparability

Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are published in Nyt from Statistics Denmark. In the statbank the figures are published under the subject Marinas and All types of accommodation. See more on the statistics topic page. Municipality-distributed statistics on holiday rental are financed by VisitDenmark and are freely available on their website.

If you want to combine statistics on marinas with other variables or put them together in another way, you can contact DST Consulting to clarify options and request a quote.

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