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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Majbrit Holst
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Nights Spent at Marinas

Data for the statistics is collected monthly for for the reference months May to September. The monthly statistics shows temporary data for the activity in the marinas. If a marina has not reported data from the same month the year before is imputed. At the end of the reference year the imputed data is replaced by reported final data for the year. The numbers of nights spent at marinas are calculated by using a average factor for the size of the crew. The average factor is based by a survey made by VisitDenmark in 2017. Data for the statistics is collected via an upload solution or by a electronis questionaire. The collected data undergoes micro-level debugging during the actual collection and at the macro-level when the data is aggregated.

Source data

The survey is compiled on a voluntary basis of reports from marinas.

Frequency of data collection

Monthly for the reference period May to September.

Data collection

Data is disseminated on a monthly basis to Statistics Denmark via an online questionnaire on Virk via a digital upload solution.

Data validation

The collected data from each marina is checked for errors during the data collection. When the data is collected, a micro error search is carried out, where significant deviations from the same month last year or incorrect summations are examined and possibly corrected, if any error has occurred, after contacting the company. The variables are also compared with each other, and it is examined whether the totals match. After aggregating the data into totals for geographical area and nationality of the guests, the totals are searched for errors, the totals are also checked across census periods.

Data compilation

Data is provided by marinas and then aggregated and validated. This procedure is followed by a summation of the data into totals broken down by nationality and geography. The survey is voluntary and based on a census. Data is imputed if an enterprise does not disseminate data within the given time frame. The data is not seasonal adjusted. Some marinas have in addition units for camper vans. The number of nights spent in camper vans at the marinas are also part of the survey. The marinas are reporting number of boat nights divided into the nationality of the guests.

Boat nights spent is the number of boats in the Danish marinas times the length of the stay. Person nights spent is the size of the crew on the boat times the length of the stay. The size of the crew is calculated by using an average factor. This factor is for Denmark, Germany and Sweden = 3.4 and for all other countries = 4.5.

Before 2006 the average factor was

  • DK = 3
  • GE = 2.9
  • SW = 3.4
  • All other countries = 3

From 2007 to 2016 the average factor has been phased in. From 2017 the factor is fully phased in.


There is not seasonal adjustments to the statistics as it does not contain data for all of the 12 months of the year.