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Statistical presentation

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Nights Spent at Marinas

The statistics regarding marinas is a monthly seasonally survey about boats and guest nights spent by visiting yachts in marinas in the months of May-September. The statistics are divided into nationalities of the guests, as well as geographically by regions, parts of the country and waters. In addition, there is an annual assessment of the capacity of marinas divided into parts of the country and the size of the marina. Numbers of Municipal distribution is published at the homepage of VisitDenmark.

Data description

The purpose of the statistics is in overall to visualize the activity in the Danish marinas. The most important variables are guests nights and boat nights divided into nationality, geographical area and waters. The numbers of guest nights visualize how many guests who stayed in the Danish marinas in different parts of the country. The statistics furthermore visualize the nationality of the guests and the number of boat nights visualize the number of boats in the Danish marinas and waters, the use of the marinas and the lengths of the stay.

The monthly survey covers:

  • Number of nights stayed divided among guest nationality and geographical area or water.
  • The number of boat nights divided among guest nationality and geographical area or water.

The yearly survey covers:

  • The numbers of marinas divided into their capacity
  • The capacity of the marinas divided into different geographical areas

Classification system

The statistics divide geographically into regions, parts of the country and waters. Furthermore the statistics are distributed according to nationalities of the guests.

Sector coverage

The statistics include marinas under the industry code 93.29.10, marinas in the Danish Industrial Classification 2007 and the international NACE, rev. 2 classification. A complete description of the industry can be found in the Danish Industrial Classification 2007.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Boat nights spent at marinas: Boat nights spent at marinas is the number of boats in Danish marinas times the length of their stay.

Person nights spent: Person nights spent is the size of the crew on the boat combined with the length of the stay.

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is marinas.

Statistical population

The population includes all Danish marinas.

Reference area


Time coverage

The survey covers 1992 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for this survey.

Unit of measure

The primary unit of measure is the number of marinas, boat and person nights spent.

Reference period

The statistics is compiled monthly for the period May to September.

Frequency of dissemination

The survey is compiled and published monthly for the months of May-September. Furthermore, an annual publication is released in December.

Legal acts and other agreements

The survey is collected on a voluntary basis. Prior to 2004, the survey was mandatory and covered by the [Act on Statistics Denmark] (Lov om Danmarks Statistik)(, section 8, cf. Order no. 599 of 22 June 2000.

Cost and burden

The survey is collected on a voluntary basis. The response burden is not calculated.


Additional information can be found on the statistics subject page or obtained by contacting Nanna Nikander Nonboe-Nygaard, tel.: +45 20 56 39 57, email:

The statistics regarding the marinas are part of the accommodation statistics, which also include data for hotels, holiday centers, camping, hostels and holiday houses.