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Relocations (Discontinued)

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Relocations 2017

The purpose of these statistics is to describe the population's internal migration pattern in Denmark. Migrations to and from Greenland and The Faroe Island are not included. These statistics are e.g. used for administrative planning at national, regional and municipal level. The statistics are comparable since 1980.

Statistical presentation

These statistics are an annual measure of the number of internal migrations, between and internally in the country's municipalities and regions. These statistics are grouped into moving day and moving month and contain information about the gender and age of the persons moving. The statistics also show moving patterns for young people under 30 years of age and how many who move away from home.

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Statistical processing

The source of the statistics is Statistic Denmark's population register, which daily receives a outdraw which include information about the events such as internal migrations from CPR (Central Person Register).

After the end of the quarter is the population extracted from the population at the municipality level from the register and is published in the Statbank.

Input data is not check for errors. Corrections on internal migrations from the source CPR (Central Person Register) will be updated in the database when they arrive.

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Municipalities, countries, government department and other national organizations which want to take advantage of the statistical field of persons in order to improve the planning.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistics are based on the Central Population Register. As the CPR register is an administrative register, the municipalities themselves have an interest in keeping the quality of the register at a high level. Analyses have shown that the quality of the CPR data is extremely high.

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Timeliness and punctuality

These statistics are published approx. a month and a half after the end of the reference period. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar.

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The period of waiting for the late reporting from the CPR register was shortened in the 4th quarter of 1992 from 40 days to 30 days.

The change method i 2007 means, that events which is happen in the former quarter/year, but at first is registered in the actual quarter/year, will not be counted as an internal migration in actual year. Analyses has shown that internal migrations for the year of 2007 that 2½ pct. of the internal migrations of the year is not part of the actual publish year.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published in the StatBank under Internal migrations in Denmark. These statistics also feature in the Statistical Yearbook. For more information go to the Subject Page.

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