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Statistical presentation

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Relocations (Discontinued)

These statistics are an annual measure of the number of internal migrations, between and internally in the country's municipalities and regions. These statistics are grouped into moving day and moving month and contain information about the gender and age of the persons moving. The statistics also show moving patterns for young people under 30 years of age and how many who move away from home.

Data description

All internal migrations which have occurred in a quarter are included, i.e. the statistics are based on occurrences. It thus follows that a person who migrates several times in the course of a calendar quarter will appear several times in the statistics of internal migrations. Moreover, migration from the place Faroe Islands and place Greenland are not included.

Internal migrations are grouped by internal or between municipalities and showed by age, sex and the municipality which is moved from and to.

Classification system

Inside and between municipalities.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Internal migrations between municipalities: Internal migrations from one to another municipalities

Internal migrations inside the municipality: Internal migrations between addresses inside the single municipality

Statistical unit

Internal migrations.

Statistical population

Number of internal migrations inside and between municipalities each year

Reference area


Time coverage

The described documentation cover the statistical field back to 1986. It is possible to require data back to 1971 for internal migrations between municipalities back to 1971 and for internal migrations inside municipalities back to 1971.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Number of internal migrations.

Reference period

01-01-2016 - 31-12-2016

Frequency of dissemination

The population statistics is published each year.

Legal acts and other agreements

Law of Statistic Denmark according to announcement nr. 15. By 12 August 1972 according to the amendment, which follow by law nr 386 13 June 1990 and law nr. 1025 19 December 1992.

Cost and burden

There is no response burden as the data are collected via registers by Statistic Denmark.


A detailed description is available in the publication called The movement of the population.