Statistical processing
The source of the statistics is Statistic Denmark's population register, which daily receives a outdraw which include information about the events such as internal migrations from CPR (Central Person Register).
After the end of the quarter is the population extracted from the population at the municipality level from the register and is published in the Statbank.
Input data is not check for errors. Corrections on internal migrations from the source CPR (Central Person Register) will be updated in the database when they arrive.
Source data
The source of the statistics is Statistic Denmark's population register, which daily receives a outdraw which include information about the events such as internal migrations from CPR (Central Person Register).
Frequency of data collection
Daily receives a outdraw which include information about the events such as internal migrations from CPR (Central Person Register).
Data collection
Data validation
Input data is not check for errors. Corrections of internal migrations from the source CPR (Central Person Register) will be updated in the database when they arrive.
Data compilation
Not relevant for these statistics.
Input data is not check for errors. Corrections of internal migrations from the source CPR (Central Person Register) will be updated in the database when they arrive.