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Population and Education
Alexander Erik Friisnæs

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Research Education

Comparability over time for the main variables is good. The statistics also contains information on education schemes, research topics, financing, stays abroad and employment. the content of these variables has changed over the years, but have been consistent since 2009.

International comparability of statistics on number of PhD-students are considered to be very good. Concerning international comparability of statistics on the education level of the population, countries using surveys have the possibility of including persons, who have obtained the PhD-degree abroad. These group is in most cases not included in the Danish statistics.

Comparability - geographical

Comparability to international statistics on number of PhD-students are considered to be very good.

Concerning international comparability of the education level of the population, countries using surveys have the possibility of including persons, who have obtained the PhD-degree abroad. These group is only partly included in the Danish statistics on attained education used for international comparison. since the statistics on PhD-degrees for this purpose is supplemented with information on education taken abroad for persons immigrated in the years up till 2006.

Comparability over time

There is comparable data series from 1996. The definition of the population, number of PhD students and PhD graduates has been consistent over the years. Comparability on main areas is on a whole good but are influent by the changes in the institutional structure . this is due to the changes in faculty structure made by some of the big universities as well as fusions by some of the institutions. In these period of change recoding has been made so that the original structure is showed by the statistics.

The statistics also contains information on education schemes, research topics, financing, stays abroad and employment. the content of these variables has changed over the years, but have been consistent since 2009.

Coherence - cross domain

Universities Denmark publish yearly data on number of PhD-students , new entrants and number of obtained PhD-degrees. The comparability is very good. The small discrepancies are due to the fact that the data collections takes place at different times, and the data is updated in different degrees.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.