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Population and EducationAlexander Erik Friisnæs
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These statistics are relevant for Ministries, Universities, Public service, Business organizations, Media and Researchers, for research and analyses. The statistical data are also used in other areas within Statistics Denmark as education statistics are relevant in many contexts.
User Needs
Typical users: Ministries, Universities, Public service, Business organizations, Media and Researchers.
User Satisfaction
1-2 times a year the "Kontaktudvalg for Uddannelse" and "Kontaktudvalget for statistikker vedr. Forskning, Udvikling og Innovation" meet and here user-representatives from selected ministries, Labour market organizations, and NGOs in the Education and Research sector have the opportunity of commenting the statistics. Furthermore there is a yearly seminar with the universities, where they gives Statistics Denmark feedback on data quality and publishing.
Data completeness rate
The statistics contain information about all the person enlisted as Ph.D. students.