Statistical presentation
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Population and EducationAlexander Erik Friisnæs
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The statistics gives information on numbers of PhD-students and numbers of PhD-graduates at institutions approved to offer PhD-educations in Denmark. The statistics gives information on the progress of the education, under here schemes and special arrangements, periods of leave, and study periods spent abroad. The statistics also gives information on the subjects of the project and on sources of financing. The statistics also covers doctorate granted after §15,2, according to this paragraph a doctorate can be granted based exclusively on a positive evaluation of a thesis without participation in an education.
Data description
The statistics gives information on numbers of PhD-students and numbers of PhD-graduates at institutions approved to offer PhD-educations in Denmark.
The statistics gives information on the progress of the education, including schemes and special arrangements, periods of leave, and study periods spent abroad.
The statistics also gives information on the subjects of the project and on sources of financing.
Classification system
The information of main field of study is primarily based on the students place in the University's institutional structure, i.e. based on information of Faculty supplemented with Institute.
There are the following six main fields:
- Natural science
- Engineering and Technology
- Medical science
- Agricultural science
- Social science
- Humanities, Theology
Sector coverage
The education sector.
Statistical concepts and definitions
PhD-student: A person enrolled at a university following a PhD-scheme
PhD-graduates: The student is awarded the PhD-degree by the university where the dissertation was assessed
Statistical unit
The statistical unit is persons. In this statistics the persons are PhD-students enrolled at a university.
Statistical population
The statistics gives information on PhD-educations taken at Danish institutions approved to offer PhD-educations. These following ten institutions are approved to offer PhD-educations:
Aalborg University
Aarhus University
Copenhagen Business School
Technical University of Denmark
IT University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen
Roskilde University
University of Southern Denmark
Aarhus School of Architecture
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Also people of foreign origin who are taking a PhD-education at a Danish institution are included, even if they do not have an address in Denmark. People of Danish origin who taking a PhD-education abroad are not included. Foreigners staying in Denmark who have taken their doctorate abroad are not covered by the statistics either.
Reference area
Denmark with the exception of Greenland and Faroe Islands
Time coverage
The statistics is published yearly In Statbank Denmark. First year published is 1996.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
- Number of PhD students per institution
- Number of PhD graduates
Reference period
The reference period follows the calendar year, January 1st - December 31st
Frequency of dissemination
The statistics is published once a year.
Legal acts and other agreements
The data collection is warranted according to Act on Statistics Denmark, section 8, subsection 3.
Cost and burden
Is not calculated as the respondents are public institutions.
No further documentation is available for this statistics. Please contact Statistics Denmark for further information.