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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Mikkel Zimmermann
+45 51 44 98 37

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Work Stoppages

The statistics are compiled since 1973, but up to 1995 only work stoppages with a loss of 100 working days or more are included. From 1996 and onwards all work stoppages are included despite the range. This means that figures from 1996 and onwards are not directly comparable backwards in time. The number of work stoppages and loss of working days might be underestimated for the 2006 statistics. Changes in the public sector made it impossible to retrieve information from all public institutions regarding work stoppages.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics is not internationally comparable.

Comparability over time

The statistics are compiled since 1973, but up to 1995 only work stoppages with a loss of 100 working days or more are included. From 1996 and onwards all work stoppages are included despite the range. This means that figures from 1996 and onwards are not directly comparable backwards in time. The number of work stoppages and loss of working days might be underestimated for the 2006 statistics. Changes in the public sector made it impossible to retrieve information from all public institutions regarding work stoppages.

Coherence - cross domain

There is no other Danish statistics on the subject.

Coherence - internal

All respondents receive the same questionnaire.