Statistical presentation
Contact info
Labour Market, Social StatisticsMikkel Zimmermann
+45 51 44 98 37
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The statistics is published on a yearly basis and provide an overview of the number of work stoppages, number of recipients employees and number of lost working days during the calendar year.
Data description
The statistics is published on a yearly basis and provide an overview of the number of work stoppages, number of recipients employees and number of lost working days during the calendar year.
Classification system
The number of working days lost is distributed by industry group, based on the information on the main occupational group of the employees involved in the conflicts and the industry of the employer.
Sector coverage
The data is distributed by industry group, based on the information on the main occupational group of the employees involved in the conflicts and the industry of the employer.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Lost working days
- The number of working days lost is calculated for each conflict by multiplying the duration of the conflict by the number of employees involved.
Work Stoppage
- By a work stoppage means a stop of the work due to strikes and lockouts.
Recipients employees
- Number of employees who are involved in a work stoppage
Statistical unit
Work stoppage, recipients employees and lost working days.
Statistical population
The population is work stoppage.
Reference area
Time coverage
1996-, concerning only the bigger conflicts with more than 100 lost working days the statistics is starting in 1973/1900.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Work stoppages, recipients employees and lost working days.
Reference period
The calendar year
Frequency of dissemination
These statistics is published on a yearly basis.
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark, section 6, as subsequently amended (by Act no 15 of January, 12, 1972, by Act no 386 of June, 13, 1990 and most recently by Act no 1025 of December, 19, 1992).
Cost and burden
The size of the burden of reporting is not calculated.