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Statistical processing

Contact info

Labour Market, Social Statistics
Mikkel Zimmermann
+45 51 44 98 37

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Work Stoppages

Reporting forms is sent out in February the year after the reference year with a response time of 3 weeks. Immediately after the reporting deadline a reminder is sent. If the reporting still does not happen, we make a phone call to the company/working place.

Source data

The data are reported from approximately 20-25 major public and private employers and employer organizations. Important report suppliers are the Danish Employers' Confederation and the Danish regions.

Frequency of data collection

These statistics are yearly.

Data collection

In February paper questionnaire are send to approximately 20-25 major public and private employers and employer organizations. Important report suppliers are the Danish Employers' Confederation and the Danish counties. The response time is 2-3 weeks. The statistics is published in March or April.

Data validation

Data can only be validated from general knowledge on the statistical year's work stoppages. The knowledge is achieved from media. On suspicion of misreporting the respondent will be contacted.

Data compilation

Reporting forms is sent out in February the year after the reference year with a response time of 3 weeks. Immediately after the reporting deadline a reminder is sent. If the reporting does not happen, the statistics will be published without. However it happens very rarely.


No correction of data is made beyond what has already been described regarding data validation and data processing.